Nowadays frost protection systems.

We try to give an objective overview of actual systems.

  • Helicopter
  • Wind Machines
  • Sprinklers
  • Small stationary heaters
  • Fog
  • Dynamic heating

Wind Machines

Those stationary machines mix the warmer air with the colder ground layer. Key element is air - flow / air - movement.

Only set up in frost conditions.
Minor labour cost.
No after-frost treatment needed.
Protection granted also at severe frost.

Eco friendly.

It is noisy.
It needs building permission.

Important remark:
Every year there come new so-called 'miracle' machines on the market. Some of them announce double protection than they really cover. We recommend you to check and double check the efficiency. It is a big investment!

Besides for protection against spring frost, wind machines can also be used to dry fruit before harvest, and to protect trees against deep winter-frost.

Some companies install next to the wind machine a big heating system. Our experience is NOT to do so. You will end up with less protection and burnt trees.

There exist mobile wind machines as well. However, protection level is not as high.


During the night the air at high distance is warmer than the air near the ground.
Helicopters are used to mix those layers.

Minor investment.
Only needed during frost conditions.

Flying at night?
Flying when windy?
High cost when operational.

Mostly used in areas with big surfaces (New Zealand, Australia)


Overhead sprinklers are already used for a long time as the only frost protection method.

Good 100% protection.

Lack of water. Water used to be available for everyone. Now there is shortage.
System failure can happen. (blockages, pump failure).
There is important after treatment (is this eco-friendly)?
It should be run before frost starts. It happens frequently that it is run when it was not needed.

Stationary heating

This principle is easy: place every 2 m an individual heater.

Can be used for small and irregular surfaces.
Everyone can use this. No need to do hard studies.

It is labour intensive.
And it needs lots of pre-stocking. (Buy for 1 night, for 2 nights, for 3 nights? For a whole week?). And what if I bought and there was no frost?
There exists a shortage.
The protection level is limited and mostly not sufficient.
It is very dirty, NOT eco-friendly.

In some cases heaters are added as a kind of border heating in combination with wind machines.


Some people think that when it is misty or when there is a fog, there is reduced frost risk.

We have doubts about this idea, as we know many situations that even when there was mist, there was deep frost.

Can you imagine what will happen when on the road next to the orchard there would be car accident due to mist conditions or sleet?
Or what will happen if a whole village will be in fog due to some fruit growers trying to protect their harvest.

What happens when it is windy? Fog will be removed!

Dynamic heating

By means of a tractor, a heater is pulled all over the orchard.

Rather limited cost.

High labour cost. (driving all night in orchard, without break/pause).
Limited protection (not for deep frosts!)